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O3 Ozone - Oxygen Medicine

O3 Ozone Therapy in Treatment of Aids - Case Reports

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O3 Ozone Therapy in AIDS. A case report.

Méndez N.I., Menéndez S. and Rivero J.


The widespread use of ozone therapy is due to the biological effects of ozone, such as: oxidative stress, metabolic and immune system regulator, as well as its germicidal power. In the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the target of the virus that causes the disease are the cells having the CD4 molecule on their surface, where the main cells of the immune systems are located.


The virus destroys those cells and causes the unbalance of the organism, while the disease is developing. The use of ozone in AIDS, as a powerful immune modulator and antioxidant is applicable as complementary therapy.


A IIIc AIDS patient suffering from fatigue, cachexia, diarrhea, dehydration, anemia, high levels of glucose, creatinine and protombine time, a 0.37 % CD4/CD8 index and a viral load in 2 400 000/mL, who was taking a retroviral cocktail was treated with an ozone cycle by rectal route, with a 5 mg dose with interferon, transfer factor and erythropoietin.


After finishing the ozone treatment, a final assessment was performed:


We found then that the fatigue, diarrhea, dehydration and anemia had disappeared, the patient had gained 8 kg in weight and the glucose, creatinine and protombine time levels were normal.


Moreover, three months after the ozone treatment was finished and without interrupting the administration of interferons and a pentatherapy, the CD4/CD8 index increased 0.71 % and the viral load decreased to 1 700/mL.


In our report, we assess the effect of ozone as an immune modulator, an antimicrobial and antioxidant in AIDS/HIV patients.













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